What is an Email Alias and Why You Should Stop Using Your Real Email Addressby@giorgiob
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What is an Email Alias and Why You Should Stop Using Your Real Email Address

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Around 3.1 million emails are sent every [second], and 85% of them are spam. This translates into an average daily volume of **122.33 billion spam messages. Marketers have been arguing about decreases in open rates since 2015, and that’s because people are simply **tired** of scanning through hundreds of useless content when opening their email inbox. Aliases can be used to help you use an alias to filter through your inbox and unsubscribe to your real mailbox.

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Giorgio Barillà

Digital Marketer, Tech Enthusiast. Mostly work with SaaS companies. Involved in AI and Blockchain.

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Giorgio Barillà HackerNoon profile picture
by Giorgio Barillà @giorgiob.Digital Marketer, Tech Enthusiast. Mostly work with SaaS companies. Involved in AI and Blockchain.
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